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Chessington Dental Practice Blog

Three Reasons Why It Pays Off To Invest In Your Smile


Looking after your teeth will not only keep them healthy, but will also help you achieve a bright and attractive smile that can boost your confidence.

Key takeaways:

- A bright and healthy smile can make you more memorable and improve first impressions.
- A healthy smile can also make you look more professional and confident at work.
- You won't feel the need to hide your teeth, so you will have more reasons to smile.
Remember that your dentist offers whitening and cleaning treatments that can help you achieve the smile you always wanted.
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Three Tips to Beat Your Child's Teething Blues


While it is wise to visit the dentist as soon as your notice your child's first teeth emerging, there are a handful of steps which you can take in order to relieve any minor pain during the process.
-  Parents will often massage the gums of their infant, as this will reduce inflammation.
-  Frozen teething toys can also be used.
- Frozen spoons and washcloths also help reduce stress.
"Emerging teeth can be uncomfortable for babies and anxiety inducing for parents."
Read more about the steps that parents can take here:

What are the Benefits of Clear Aligners to Straighten Teeth?


Crooked teeth could lead to other problems than a poor smile. Evidence suggests that there is a correlation with heart issues, as crooked teeth are more difficult to keep clean, leading to gum disease.
One viable solution can be seen in a clear plastic alignment tray. What are some advantages of this modern alternative to metal braces?
- These trays can be removed so that your teeth are able to be cleaned.
- They are virtually invisible so are very discreet.
- They produce similar results to braces over time.
"Orthodontic treatment isn’t usually available for adults on the NHS, although it may be approved for health reasons."
Take a look at the additional teeth-straightening options that a dentist may offer:

Easy Ways to Keep Your Smile Healthy


Keeping your teeth in a healthy condition can boost your confidence no end:
- Avoid snacking on sugary sweets, starchy carbs and sugary drinks, all of which promote plaque build-up on your teeth.
- Protect your teeth by avoiding chewing on ice or using your teeth to bite things other than food.
- Brush your teeth twice a day and visit your dentist regularly to check your oral health is in good condition.
"The hygienist and dentist can also make recommendations for orthodontics or cosmetic procedures if you’re unhappy with the state of your smile."
Read the full story here:

The Link Between Oral Health and Your Overall Health

undefinedGood oral health could help with good overall health. The health of your teeth and gums can also be an indicator of underlying health conditions.

Key takeaways:

- Poor oral health could put you at increased risk of conditions such as heart disease and periodontitis.
- Oral health problems can also be a sign of diabetes and HIV.
- Professional teeth cleaning with a dentist and regular teeth brushing help prevent oral health issues.
"It is important to not ignore your oral health, and if you are having pain or discomfort in your mouth, it is essential to talk to a dentist."
Read the full story here

Why Is My Child Grinding Their Teeth And What Can I Do?


There are several underlying causes of teeth grinding (bruxism), a common problem among children. A morning headache is often the first symptom.

Key takeaways:

- Children who are stressed, anxious, hyperactive or have a misaligned bite are more prone to bruxism.
- While the underlying cause is being ascertained your dentist can provide a custom mouthguard for your child to wear at night to protect their teeth.
- These underlying conditions can be treated with stress management, medication or orthodontic treatment.
"Without knowing what’s causing the problem, it can be difficult to implement a long-term solution. Your child’s dentist or paediatrician can help you uncover the root cause of your child’s teeth grinding."
Read the full story here:

Teeth Whitening, Dental Implants, and Dentures?

undefinedYou want a bright white smile, but also need dental implants or dentures. Here's how to do it right.
Main takeaways:
- It's best to undergo whitening before getting an implant installed, so the dentist can match your crown to your natural teeth while they are at their best.
- The crown (cap) on an implant is resistant to staining, so it won’t require whitening.
- Dentures are created from a different material that does stain, but won’t benefit from a whitening procedure.
- Remove stains from dentures daily through brushing and flossing.
- It is possible to have your dentures professionally polished, but if the colour changes too much, you may want to have them replaced.
Consult your dentist about whitening prior to dental implants.
Read more here:

Should I Pull Out My Child's Loose Baby Teeth?


When your child starts to lose their baby teeth you should not try and intervene to pull out any loose teeth. Your child’s dentist will let you know if intervention is needed during a regular check-up.

Key takeaways:

- By pulling out a loose tooth you could cause your child pain, bleeding or possibly infection.
- Unless advised otherwise by a dentist leave loose baby teeth to come out naturally.
- Regular dentist appointments can help ensure proper development of your child’s teeth.
"Children begin to lose their teeth beginning around age six and will continue until all their primary teeth have been replaced with adult teeth."
Read the full story here

Food that Causes Bad Breath


When the teeth and gums are in good condition it is unlikely that bad breath will be a problem. However, certain foods can cause this embarrassing condition. Prime culprits in causing bad breath to be avoided before any social gathering include:
- Onions
- Garlic
- Strongly flavoured snacks
The enzymes and compounds in these, and similar, foods are absorbed into the bloodstream and travel to the lungs “where you breathe them out” with the accompanying odours.
Persistent bad breath should be investigated by a dentist as it may be due to gum disease. Other possible causes of bad breath are outlined in the article at

How The Menopause May Affect Your Oral Health

undefinedDuring the menopause hormonal changes can result in several side effects, including ones affecting your oral health: 

- Some women experience a dry mouth which can lead to sensitive teeth and tooth decay.
- An increased risk of osteoporosis means there is also a risk of loose teeth and tooth loss.
- Speak to your dentist if you are concerned about your oral health during the menopause.
"You can keep your teeth and gums healthy as you transition into menopause by visiting your dentist to take the best possible care of your smile!"
Read the full story here:

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