
 Were you aware that more than 25 percent of all men and women over the age of 20 have at least one cavity? Although factors such as lifestyle habits, oral care techniques, and even genetics can all play role, there is little doubt that diet is just as important.

If you want to enjoy a set of pearly whites that lasts a lifetime, what helps strengthen teeth -- and are there certain foods to include in a balanced diet? Let's take a look at five tasty treats that will help to protect the health of your teeth and gums as the years go by.


You might be rather surprised to learn that one of the primary ingredients in an average bar of chocolate can actually offer tooth-friendly benefits. Cacao bits (sometimes referred to as cacao "nubs") contain high concentrations of substances known as polyphenols. These plant-derived chemicals are known for their ability to break down oral bacteria, dramatically reducing the chances of suffering from cavities and gum disease.

We should also point out that cacao is excellent for the cardiovascular system. It can help to lower blood pressure and prevent clots. So, get ready to indulge your sweet tooth with a healthy alternative!

Fatty Fish

Some fats are actually good for the body. This is particularly the case when discussing the role that omega fats play. This type of fat is found in fish such as sardines, salmon, mackerel, and tuna. Some studies indicate that omega fatty acids may be able to stave off the effects of gum disease.

Furthermore, these very same fish contain appreciable amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that provides your teeth with a viable source of calcium. Similar to the other bones throughout your body, calcium will benefit your oral cavity and help to prevent mechanical issues such as chipping or cracking. If you want to strengthen tooth enamel, a sumptuous fish dinner could be just what you need.

Grass-Fed Dairy Products

Most of us associate dairy products such as milk and cheese with nutrients including vitamin A and vitamin D. However, these substances are also relatively high in a lesser-known compound known as vitamin K2. Research has indicated that vitamin K2 is essential for healthy teeth and gums. The only problem here is that many individuals (unknowingly) suffer from a vitamin K2 deficiency. As you might have guessed, this is often due to a lack of dairy products.

It is also important to emphasise the consumption of grass-fed foods. The point here is that the chlorophyll found within grass is used by animals to produce vitamin K2. This is not possible when consuming grains and corn. As humans do not have the ability to synthesise vitamin K2, it should be obtained through quality dairy products.

Note that is also possible to absorb ample amounts by eating other foods such as:

  • Liver
  • Beef
  • Eggs

On a final note, these very same foods are excellent sources of phosphorous. Phosphorous is yet another nutrient essential for oral health.

Citrus Fruits

You may have heard that it is best to avoid citrus fruits such as orange and lemons due to their acidic content. This is partially true, as acids can begin to erode the enamel of your teeth. Still, remember that these very same foods are also laden with vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and one of its effects involves improving blood flow to the tissues within your mouth. This is a potent way to combat the effects of gingivitis.

In fact, a study conducted in 2005 found that participants reported fewer instances of bleeding gums after consuming citrus fruits for only two weeks.

If you are still concerned about the acidic content of grapefruits and oranges, simply wash your mouth out with water after eating. This will help to cleanse your palate and it is also an excellent way to remain hydrated throughout the day.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Most of us are familiar with the expression "eat your greens" and there is indeed an oral health component to this mantra. Vegetables such as spinach, kale, and arugula all help to promote a healthy oral microbiome. This is another way of saying that they encourage the proliferation of "good" bacteria within the mouth.

Another advantage of leafy greens partially involves concentrations of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is known as a vasodilator, helping to relax blood vessels so that more nutrients are delivered to the teeth and gums. On a final note, green vegetables in general contain many essential minerals. These very same minerals play a key role in maintaining healthy tooth enamel.

How to Keep Gums and Teeth Healthy

Now that we have examined five oral-friendly foods, what about substances that should be consumed sparingly (if at all)? In this case, a bit of knowledge will certainly go a long way. Here are an additional five foods that every dentist will tell you to avoid:

  • Crackers (they contain carbohydrates that are quickly converted to sugar within the mouth)
  • Dried fruits (these tend to be high in sugar and can stick to the teeth)
  • Soda (high sugar content combined with the presence of carbonic acid)
  • Beans (an ingredient known as phytic acid may make it more difficult for the mouth to absorb other nutrients)
  • Kombucha drinks that contain added sugar.

Thankfully, all of the beneficial foods mentioned above can be easily obtained and are quite cheap. If you want to learn about even more tasty treats to consider, do not hesitate to speak with your dentist or a qualified nutritionist. There are countless options to explore.

1. https://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/fast-facts/cavities/index.html
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3320731/
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16127404